George Coope

Hello! Thank you for visiting my portfolio. I am an experienced front-end engineer who loves using React and TypeScript, and have done for over 4 years.


A handy tool I initially built for my own personal use to work out which olympic plates to put on a barbell whilst exercising at the gym. Built using React, making use of the localStorage API

fancy-hr (Web Component)

Open source Web Component that provides an enhanced <hr> element. Used to learn about Web Components, my first open source project! ✨

CSS Button Builder

As an exercise to focus on best accessibility practices, I created this accessiblility-focused HTML/CSS generator. It is also a good example of using React to dynamically and reactively render content

This portfolio

Static site built using Astro and hosted on Cloudflare pages, this portfolio has been a create way to learn more about static site generation and was a great excuse to play with Astro which is reportedly incredibly fast

A fun experiment project to learn about Gatsby and static site generation in general. A small blog focused on Mini Cooper cars, and specifically the ability to put roof racks on them. Nothing ground breaking, but a great insight into analytics and SEO

Dice roller

A tiny single file dice roller, built in about an hour as a bit of fun as I needed a nice dice rolling tool. Vanilla HTML/JS/CSS - perhaps a good example of using the right tool for the job!